Contribute to Oleum MedKit

Oleum MedKit is a pioneering open-source UI/UX Component Library tailored for the healthcare technology sector, and your contributions can play a pivotal role in its growth and evolution. Whether you're a developer, designer, or translator, there are numerous ways to contribute to MedKit. Here's how you can get involved:

Contribution Guidelines

Have an idea that could revolutionize healthcare technology? Interested in making a tangible impact on the future of medical software development? Oleum MedKit is your platform to bring those innovative ideas to life. As an open-source project, we thrive on the diverse contributions of developers from around the globe. Whether it's refining existing components, introducing new functionalities, or enhancing the library's overall performance, your insights and expertise can help shape a more intuitive and efficient healthcare experience. Join us on this collaborative journey, where every contribution lays another building block towards transforming patient care through technology.

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the Oleum MedKit repository on GitHub to your own account. This action creates a personal copy for you to experiment with.
  1. Clone the Repository: Clone your fork to your local machine to begin making changes. Use the command:
git clone{YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME}/oleum-medkit.git
  1. Create a New Branch: Before making any changes, create a new branch in your local repository. It's best practice to name it after the feature or fix you intend to implement:
git checkout -b feature/add-new-component
  1. Make Your Changes: Implement your changes or additions in your branch. Be sure to follow the our coding standards and guidelines. They can be found in the file in the root of the repository.

  2. Commit Your Changes: Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive commit message, outlining what has been added or fixed.

git commit -am "amazingly descriptive commit message 😎"
  1. Push Changes to GitHub: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub with the command:
git push origin feature/add-new-component.
  1. Submit a Pull Request (PR): On GitHub, submit a pull request from your feature branch to the main Oleum MedKit repository. Provide a detailed description of your changes and the reasons behind them.

  2. Code Review: Your PR will undergo a review process by the project maintainers. Engage in discussions if there are any comments or suggestions for improvement.

  3. Approval and Merge: Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the main repository. Congratulations, you've successfully contributed to Oleum MedKit! 🎉

  4. Submit Your GitHub Info: The Oleum Research Team will reach out after a successful merge to obtain your information and consent to add your name to the list of contributors on our website!


Great documentation stands at the heart of any successful open-source project. It not only facilitates easier adoption and usage but also ensures that developers and users alike can maximize the potential of Oleum MedKit. Clear, comprehensive, and accessible documentation is critical for enhancing usability and we welcome all contributions aimed at improving it. Whether you're correcting typos, clarifying instructions, adding examples, or writing tutorials, your efforts make a significant difference. Here's how you can contribute to our documentation:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Documentation: Spend some time going through the existing documentation to understand its structure and content. Identify areas that could benefit from improvement, whether it's adding more detail, updating information, or correcting inaccuracies.

  2. Check the Documentation Issues: Look at the GitHub issues for Oleum MedKit specifically tagged with "documentation" to see if there are any known areas needing attention. This can help you quickly find where your contributions are most needed.

  3. Fork and Clone the Repository: Just like contributing code, start by forking the repository and cloning it to your local machine. Documentation files are usually in Markdown format and located in a docs directory.

  4. Make Your Changes: Update the documentation as needed. This could involve editing existing files or adding new ones. Be sure to follow any existing conventions for formatting and structure.

  5. Preview Your Changes: It's important to preview your changes to ensure that the formatting is correct and everything looks as intended. Most Markdown editors offer a preview feature, or you could use tools designed for viewing Markdown documents.

  6. Submit a Pull Request: Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit them and push to your fork. Then, open a pull request against the main Oleum MedKit repository. In your pull request, explain the changes you've made and why they improve the documentation.

  7. Participate in the Review Process: After submitting your pull request, be prepared to participate in the review process. The project maintainers may have feedback or request further changes before your contributions can be merged.

  8. Submit Your GitHub Info: The Oleum Research Team will reach out after a successful merge to obtain your information and consent to add your name to the list of contributors on our website!

Component Translation

As Oleum MedKit aims to support a wider range of frameworks, contributors who specialize in React, Vue, or other popular frameworks are encouraged to help translate existing components. Here's how:

  1. Review Existing Components: Start by reviewing the components currently available in HTML and Elixir Phoenix to identify those that require translation.
  1. Coordinate with the Team: Reach out to the Oleum MedKit team via GitHub or the project's communication channels to discuss your plans and ensure there's no duplication of effort.

  2. Follow the Contribution Process: Use the standard GitHub contribution process outlined above to implement, commit, and submit your translations for review.

  3. Submit Your GitHub Info: The Oleum Research Team will reach out after a successful merge to obtain your information and consent to add your name to the list of contributors on our website!

Design Contributions

Designers play a crucial role in the development of Oleum MedKit by creating user-friendly and research-backed components. Here's how designers can contribute:

  1. Review the Roadmap Familiarize yourself with the project's roadmap if available and identify areas where your design skills could have the most impact.

  2. Propose Design Ideas: Submit design proposals for new components or improvements to existing ones. Include mockups, user flow diagrams, and any relevant research findings.

  3. Submit Your Designs: Use the Oleum's designated channels on Slack or GitHub to submit your designs for review and integration. You're welcome to use any design software you like, but we recommend Figma for its collaborative features.

  4. Collaborate with Developers: Work closely with developers to ensure that the design translates well into code and meets the project's standards for accessibility and usability. Developers may reach out to you for feedback or clarification on your designs.

  5. Submit Your Information: Following your valuable contribution, the Oleum Research Team will promptly get in touch to gather your details and secure your permission to acknowledge your contribution on our website. This includes listing your name and socials among our contributors and showcasing your design work, further enhancing your professional portfolio.

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