Contribute Knowledge to Harm Reduction Academy

Have an idea that could enhance harm reduction education? Interested in making a tangible impact on the future of harm reduction practices? Harm Reduction Academy (HRA) is your platform to bring those innovative ideas to life. As a community-driven project, we thrive on the diverse contributions of harm reductionists, healthcare professionals, educators, and enthusiasts from around the world. Whether it's refining existing content, introducing new guides, or expanding our educational resources, your insights and expertise can help shape a more informed and supportive harm reduction community. Join us on this collaborative journey, where every contribution builds a safer and more educated world for everyone.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome and value contributions from individuals who are passionate about harm reduction and committed to providing accurate and supportive information. To ensure the quality and integrity of our content, we ask all contributors to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Accuracy and Evidence-Based Information: All contributions should be accurate, non-judgemental, and backed by evidence. We aim to provide reliable and trustworthy information to our community.

  2. Safe Space Commitment: HRA is dedicated to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all users. Any content that jeopardizes this safe space will result in an immediate ban. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Hate speech
    • Discrimination
    • Distribution of illegal substances
    • Advertising unrelated products or services
  3. Content Review: All submitted content is subject to review by our Review Board to ensure it meets our standards for accuracy, relevance, and respectfulness.

  4. Prohibited Policies: Contributions that promote Regan-era ("Just Don't Do It", Abstinence-Only, etc.) drug policies are not permitted. These policies have caused substantial harm to drug users and exacerbated the opioid epidemic in the United States. We seek to provide harm reduction strategies that are supportive, effective, and evidence based.

  5. Secular Information: While we acknowledge that some individuals use religion as a form of harm reduction, all content should remain secular. This ensures that our resources are accessible and respectful to a wider audience, recognizing that there are many religious resources already available.

  6. Respectful Language: Use respectful and inclusive language in all contributions. Avoid stigmatizing or derogatory terms that may harm or offend individuals.

  7. Original Content: Ensure that your contributions are original or properly cited if you are referencing existing work.

  8. Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback when reviewing or commenting on others' contributions. Our goal is to foster a supportive and collaborative community.

👩🏻‍⚕️ Clinical Knowledge Contribution Guidelines

We value the contributions of medical professionals and program partipants who are passionate about sharing their expertise and advancing harm reduction education. If you are a clinician interested in contributing clinical practices and trainings, please follow the steps below to apply and become a part of our dedicated team of clinical advisors.

How To Apply and Contribute

  1. Sign Up: Sign up for an account on Harm Reduction Academy.
  1. Application: Submit an application indicating your interest in contributing clinical knowledge. Ensure that you include relevant details about your professional background and expertise.
  1. Verification: Our team will verify your identity and credentials to ensure you are eligible for clinical contributions.
  2. Approval: Upon successful verification, you will be added to our list of clinical advisors. You will receive an email confirmation and further instructions on how to proceed.

Roles and Opportunities

  • Clinical Contributor: Approved clinicians will have the ability to contribute content under the clinical content section. All contributions will be reviewed to ensure they meet Harm Reduction Academy's standards of accuracy and quality.
  • Clinical Advisor: As a clinical advisor, your user status will be updated to reflect your credentials and your credentials will be added to your profile. You will have access to contribute content under the clinical content section, with all contributions subject to review.
  • Review Board Member: Approved clinical advisors will also have the opportunity to join our review board. As a member of the review board, you will play a crucial role in verifying and reviewing content to ensure it meets our evidence-based and harm reduction-focused criteria.

Your expertise and insights can make a significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of our educational resources. By contributing to Harm Reduction Academy, you help shape a more informed and supportive harm reduction community. We look forward to your valuable contributions and collaboration in advancing harm reduction practices.

For any questions or further information, please contact us at

🥷 Harm Reductionists

Harm Reduction Academy encourages contributions from individuals who are passionate about harm reduction and have expertise to share. If you are interested in contributing to our harm reduction content, such as guides, articles, and drug reports, please follow the steps below to apply and become part of our team.

How to Apply

  1. Sign Up: Register on Harm Reduction Academy to create an account.
  1. Application: Submit an application indicating your interest in contributing harm reduction content. Include relevant details about your background and any certifications or licenses (e.g., Harm Reduction Specialist, CPSW, Social Worker). We'd like to stress that certifications and licenses are not mandatory to contribute content. We welcome contributions from anyone passionate about harm reduction.
  1. Verification: Our team will verify your identity and credentials to determine your eligibility for contributions.
  2. Approval: Upon successful verification, your credentials will be added to your account, allowing you to contribute to our guides and resources. You will receive an email confirmation with further instructions.

Roles and Opportunities:

  • Content Curator: Approved contributors will have the ability to create and edit harm reduction guides, articles, and drug reports. All contributions will be reviewed to ensure they meet our standards of accuracy and quality.
  • Moderator: As a moderator, you will help maintain the integrity and safety of our community by overseeing discussions and ensuring compliance with our guidelines.
  • Review Board Member: Contributors with relevant credentials may be invited to join our review board. As a member of the review board, you will play a crucial role in verifying and reviewing content to ensure it meets our evidence-based and harm reduction-focused criteria.

Your expertise and insights can make a significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of our educational resources. By contributing to Harm Reduction Academy, you help shape a more informed and supportive harm reduction community. We look forward to your valuable contributions and collaboration in advancing harm reduction practices.

For any questions or further information, please contact us at

🧐 Review Board

At Harm Reduction Academy, our Review Board plays a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and quality of our educational content. If you are passionate about harm reduction and have a relevant background, license, or certification, we invite you to join our Review Board. Here are the guidelines for becoming a member:

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Registered Contributor: You must be registered on Harm Reduction Academy and an active contributor. If you are not yet a contributor, please apply to contribute before expressing interest in joining the Review Board.
  1. Relevant Background or Certification: While licensure or certificates are not required, we look for individuals with substantial knowledge or experience in harm reduction. We recognize that Harm Reduction as a practice is a diverse spectrum and welcome contributions from all passionate individuals.
  2. Commitment to Accuracy: As a member of the Review Board, you must commit to ensuring the information we provide is accurate, evidence-based, and reflects best practices in harm reduction.

How to Apply

  1. Apply through Your HRA Profile: Indicate your interest in joining the Review Board by requesting Review Board Access on your Harm Reduction Academy Profile or contacting us directly at
  2. Verification: Our team will review your application and verify your background and contributions to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria.
  3. Approval: Upon successful verification, you will be added to our Review Board. You will receive an email confirmation with further instructions.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Content Review: Review and verify the accuracy of guides, articles, drug reports, and other educational materials.
  • Annual Meetings: Our review board will occaisionally convene to discuss the direction of the project and provide feedback on the content. These will usually be held virtually. While attendance is not mandatory, we do ask that you attend at least one meeting per year.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensure that all content meets HRA's high standards for accuracy, reliability, and relevance.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Provide constructive feedback to contributors and suggest improvements to enhance the quality of our resources. Just because a piece of content is rejected does not mean it is bad! We encourage you to provide feedback to the contributor to help them improve their work, correct any inaccuracies and then resubmit!

🦉 Translators

At Harm Reduction Academy, we aim to make our educational resources accessible to a global audience. If you have proficiency in other languages and are passionate about harm reduction, we invite you to join our team of translators. Here are the guidelines for becoming a translator:

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Registered Member: You must be registered on Harm Reduction Academy before becoming a translator. If you are not yet signed up, please create an account.
  1. Language Proficiency: Let us know about your proficiency in other languages by updating your profile or contacting us directly. We will verify your language skills to ensure accurate translations.

How to Apply

  1. Express Interest through your HRA Profile: Indicate your interest in joining our translation team by applying through your Harm Reduction Academy Profile or contacting us directly at
  2. Verification: Our team will assess your language proficiency through a verification process.
  3. Approval: Upon successful verification, you will be granted access to update and translate content into other languages. You will receive an email confirmation with further instructions.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Content Translation: Translate guides, articles, drug reports, and other educational materials into various languages.
  • Accuracy and Quality: Ensure that translations maintain the original content's accuracy, meaning, and quality.
  • Cultural Relevance: Adapt translations to be culturally relevant and sensitive, enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of our resources for non-English speaking audiences.

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